Benefits of Thermal Imaging in the detection of:
Water infiltration (roof leaks located with recent rain fall within 24~48 hours)
Cold air infiltration
Excessive moisture in building materials
Stud / Joist / Beam / Rafter placement and structure
Insulation gaps, insufficient and unevenness
Electrical drops, panels, breakers, switches and wire connections
Heating and cooling duct placement, insulation, air leaks
Pipe location
Thermal Imaging Limitations
Thermal imaging only displays surface temperatures of solid objects.
IR detects the temperature based upon wavelength of the light emitted by the object (longer wavelength, colder). IR, therefore, does not show the temperature of objects that reflect light, (glass, shiny metal, light colored objects in direct sunlight).
IR, does not “see through walls”, but only displays the very slight differences in surface temperature of the wall. Images of areas “behind” and not in contact with walls depends upon the temperature difference of the area. It is easier to see “hot” objects because they will be radiating heat to the not-in-contact surface. See pictures below for how IR is still incredibly useful.
Careful adjustment of the range of temperatures displayed is important to proper imaging and interpretation. (but don't worry: I have been trained to do this).
While there is no guarantee that nothing will be missed during the visual inspection. Thermal imaging brings me one step closer to not overlooking anything.

I believe thermal imaging should be part of every inspection so I include it free of charge
Water leak found in Olive Branch due to improper flashing
Hot Spots Found in Southaven

Missing insulation found in Germantown